Hi, I’m Helen. I offer career and wellbeing coaching and coaching supervision
My experience and approach
I have been coaching since 2009 and specialise in helping people to live their lives with increased purpose and meaning, build their confidence and resilience, find their strengths and tune into their intuition. I am also a coaching supervisor and design and deliver coach training.
I have always had a passion for psychology and my psychological training unpins my coaching and supervision practice. I understand how the brain works and the ways in which it can trip us up and hold us back. Human beings are unique and brilliantly imperfect. Coaching can help you to understand your uniqueness and strengths, to accept your imperfections and to learn to manage your brain so that it is on your side instead of working against you. If you repeatedly find yourself thinking any of the following:
‘I don’t know enough’
‘I’m not good enough’
‘I’m not strong enough’
‘I must be perfect’
‘I must please others’
then coaching could help you to shift these beliefs, increasing your confidence and resilience.
I also support clients to tune into their intuition and imagination, generate new ideas and take a fresh perspective. In the western world we can be disconnected from our intuition and gut feelings. Logic and evidence are often more highly prized. As a result many of us really underuse our brains and can get stuck as a result. I coach and supervise in a way that enables clients to access all of their brain and their inner wisdom. You have many of the answers already, you just don’t know how to access them. Coaching will help you to gain clarity on your current challenge. You will also learn how to self-coach so that when future challenges arise you are able to tackle them with confidence and creativity.
One-to-one coaching and supervision takes place either online, over the phone or face-to-face as a walk and talk in Brighton, East Sussex.